Sometimes, the best solution doesn’t have to be brand new.


Browse our marketplace of used grain system equipment, sourced from our own inventory and trusted customers.


Our pre-owned grain equipment for sale ranges from individual components like fans, motors, and augers to larger systems like conveyors. We regularly update our marketplace with new listings, so be sure to check back often.


Don’t see what you're looking for? Contact us and we may be able to source it.


Used GSI Burner


Price: $1950.00

Make: GSI  

Model: CHC-15-NX-D

Available: Immediately

Description: New (old stock)

Specs: Natural Gas, Maximum of 2,200,000 BTU,

15HP Fan, 120 V Single Phase


Seller: Horst Systems

Contact: Wayne Brubacher

Phone: 519-669-1300


Email Horst Systems

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Kongskilde TRL 100 blower


Price: $950.00


Model: Kongskilde TRL 100

Specs: 10 HP, 3x460V, 3500 RPM

Available: Immediately

Description: Used, but in good condition. High-pressure blower that is direct driven. Useful for suction or blowing.


Seller: Horst Systems

Contact: Colin Brubacher

Phone: 519-669-1300


Email Horst Systems



Used Techtop Motor


Price: $550.00


Model: Techtop GRA0154F-01

Specs: 15 HP, 3 Phase, 575 V


Seller: Horst Systems

Contact: Colin Brubacher

Phone: 519-669-1300


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Used Distributor


Price: $1200


Description: 10” 8 hole flat back distributor


Seller: Horst Systems

Contact: Colin Brubacher

Phone: 519-669-1300


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